# glossary from Shakespeare abate abatement abhor abide able abridgement abroad abrook absey-book absolute abuse abuse aby abysm accite accuse achieve acknown acquittance action-taking acture addition address addressed advance advertisement advertising advice advise advised advocation afeared affect affy afront agazed aglet-baby agnise a-good a-hold aierie aim alder-liefest ale allow allowance ames-ace amort an anchor ancient angel anight answer anthropophaginian antick antre apparent appeal appeal appeared apple-john appointment apprehension apprehensive approbation approof approve approver arch argal argentine argier argosy argument armigero aroint a-row articulate ask aspect aspersion assay assay assinego assubjugate assurance assured atomy atone attach attasked attend attent attorney attorney audacious augur authentic avaunt ave ave-mary averring avoid awful awkward baccare backward baffle balked ballow balm ban bank barm barn barnacle base bases basilisk basta bastard bate bate bat-fowling batlet battle bavin bawcock bawd bay beadsman bearing-cloth beat beaver beetle being being be-mete be-moiled bending benvenuto bergomask beshrew bestraught beteem betid bezonian biding biggen bilberry bilbo bilboes bill bin bird-bolt birding bisson blank blench blent blood-boltered blow board bob bob bodge bodikin boitier vert bold bollen bolted bolter bolting-hutch bombard bombast bona-roba bond book boot boot bootless boots bore bosky bosom bots bourn brace brach braid brave brave bravery brawl breast breathe breathing breeching breed-bate breese bribe-buck bring brock broke broken broken music broker brotherhood brownist bruit bruit brush buck buck-basket bucking buck-washing bug bully-rook burgonet burst busky butt-shaft buxom by'rlakin caddis cade cage cain-coloured caitiff calculate caliver callet calling calm can canakin canary candle-wasters canker canstick cantle canton canvas capable capitulate capocchia capricio capricious captious carack carbonado carbonado card careire carkanet carl carlot castilian castiliano vulgo cataian catling cautel cautelous cavalero caviare cease cease censure censure century ceremony certes cess chace chamber chamberer chanson charact character character charactery chare charge-house charles' wain charneco chaudron cheater cheque cheques cheer cherry-pit cheveril chewit childing ch'ill chirurgeonly chopin christendom christom chuck chuff cinque pace cipher circumstance cital cite cittern clack-dish clap i' the clout claw clepe cliff cling clinquant clip clout coast cobloaf cock cock cock-and-pie cockle cockney cock-shut-time cog cognizance coign coil collection collied colour colourable colt co-mart combinate combine commodity commonty compact comparative comparative compare compassionate competitor complement complexion compose compostion comptible con conceit concupy condition condolement conduct confect confound conject consign consort consort constancy constant constantly conster contemptible continent continuate contraction contrary contrive control convent convert convertite convey conveyance convict convicted convince convive convoy cony-catch cony-catching cooling card copatain hat cope copy coragio coram coranto corinth corinthian corky cornuto corollary corporal corporal of the field corrival costard coster-monger cote cote cote cot-quean couchings count confect countenance counterfeit counterpoint countervail country county couplement court holy-water covent cover cowish cowl-staff cox my passion coy coystril cozen cozenage cozener cozier crack crack cracker crack-hemp crank cranking crants crare craven create credent credit crescive crestless crisp cross crow-keeper crowner crownet cry cry aim cue cuisses cullion cunning cunning curb currents curst curstness curtail curtal curtal-axe custalorum custard-coffin customer cut cypress daff damn danger dansker dare darkling darraign daub daubery day-woman dear dearn deboshed deck deck decline declined deem defeat defeat defeature defence defend defensible deftly defy degrees delay demerit demurely denay denier denotement deny depart depart departing depend derived derogate descant design despatch desperate detect determine dich diet diet diffused digressing digression dig-you-good-den dildo dint direction disable disappointed discase discontent discourse disdained dislimn disme dispark disponge dispose dispose disposition disputable dispute dissembly distaste distempered distraction distraught diverted division divulged doff dolt dole don done dotant dout dowlas dowle down-gyved drab drabbing draught drawn drawn dribbling drive drollery drumble dry duc-dame dudgeon dull dullard dump dup eager eanling ear eche eft eisel eld embossed embowelled embrasure eminence empery emulation emulous encave end enfeoff engine englut engross engrossment enkindle enmew ensconce enseamed enshield entertain entertainment entreatments ephesian equipage erewhile escot esperance espial estimation estridge eterne even even examine excrement executor exempt exercise exhale exhibition exigent exion expect expedience expedient expiate expostulate exposture express expulse exsufficate extend extent extern extirp extracting extraught extravagant extremes eyas eyas-musket eye eye eyne facinorous fact factious faculty fadge fading fain fain fair faitor fall fallow false falsing familiar fancy fancy-free fang fantastic fap far farced fardel fartuous fast fat favour fear fear fearful feat feat feater featly feature federary feeder fee-grief feere fehemently fell fence feodary fester festinately fet fico fielded fig fights file file fill-horse fills filth fine fine fineless firago fire-drake fire-new firk fit fitchew fives flap-dragon flap-jack flat flatness flaw flaw flecked fleet fleeting fleshment flewed flight flirt-gill flote flourish flourish flush foil foin foison fond foot-cloth for forbid forbode force forced fordo foreign forepast foreslow forfend forgetive forked formal forspeak forspent forthright forweary fosset-seller fox fox-ship frampold frank franked franklin fraught fraughtage fraughting fresh fret fret friend frippery from front frontier frontlet frush frustrate fub off fulfill full fullam fulsome furnished furnitor gaberdine gad gain-giving gait galliard galliasse gallimaufry gallow gallowglass gamester garboil garish garner gast gaudy gaze gear geck general generations generosity generous gentility gentle gentle gentle gentry german germen gest gib gifts giglot gilder gilt gimmal gimmor ging gird gird gleek gleek glose glut gnarl good-deed good-den good-year gorbellied gourd gout government gracious grained gramercy grange gratillity gratulate grave greasily greek green greenly greet grize grossly groundling growing guard guard guardage guinea-hen gules gulf gun-stone gust gyve hack haggard hag-seed hair halidom hall hallowmas hap happily handsaw hardiment harlock harry haught haunt having haviour hay heady heat hebenon heft heft helm hence henchman hent hermit hest high hight hild hilding hint hiren hit hoise hoist holp home honest honesty honey-stalks hoodman-blind horn-mad horologe hot-house hox hugger-mugger hull humorous hunt-counter hunts-up hurly hurtle hurtling husbandry huswife ice-brook i'fecks ignomy image imbare immediacy immoment imp imp impawn impeach impeach impeachment imperceiverant impeticos importance important importing impose impositions imprese impress incapable incarnardine incensed inch-meal inclining inclining inclip include incony incorrect ind indent index indifferent indigest indite induction indurance infinite ingraft inhabitable inherit inhooped inkhorn-mate inkle inland inly inly inquisition insane insconce instance intend intending intendment intentively interessed intermission intrenchment intrinse intrinsicate invention inward inwardness irregulous iteration jack jack-a-lent jack guardant jade jar jar jaunce jess jest jet journal jovial judicious jump jump jump justicer jut jutty jutty juvenal kam kecksy keech keel keep keisar kern kibe kickshaw kicksy wicksy kiln-hole kind kindle kindless kindly kirtle knap knave knot know labras laced-mutton lag lag lakin land-damn lapsed large largess lass-lorn latch lated latten laund lavolta lay league leasing leather-coats leech leer leet lege legerity leiger leman lenten l'envoy let let lethe level level lewd lewdly lewdster libbard liberal liberty licence lief lifter light o' love lightly like like like likelihood liking limbeck limbo lime lime limn line linstock list lither little livelihood livery living loach lob lockram lode-star loffe loggats longly loof loon lot lottery lowt lowt lozel lubber luce lumpish lunes lurch lurch lure lush lustig luxurious luxury lym made magnifico magot-pie mail main-course make malkin mallecho mammering mammets mammock man manage mandragora mankind marches marchpane margent marry trap martlemas match mate meacock mealed mean mean mean measure meazel medal medicine meed mehercle meiny mell memorise mephistophilus mercatante merely mess metaphysical mete-yard mew up micher mickle mill-sixpence mince mincing miscreate misdoubt misery misprise misprision missive mistempered misthink mistress mobled modern module moe moiety mome momentany months-mind mood moon-calf moonish mop morisco morris-pike mort mort-du-vinaigre mortal mortified mose motion motion motive motley motley-minded mouse-hunt mow moy much much mure must mutine mutine napkin natural nayward nayword neb neeld neif nephew nether-stocks next nice nick nick nighted night-rule nine men's morris ninny nobility noble noddy nonce nook-shotten nourish novum nowl nuthook o oar obsequious obsequiously obstacle occupation occurent od's body od's heartlings od's pittikins od's plessed will oeilliad o'erparted o'er-raught offering office old once oneyer ope ope open open operant opinioned opposite opposition or order ordinance orgulous ort ostent ostentation ounce ouphe ousel-cock out out-look outward outward owe pack pack paddock paid palabras pale pall palled palmer palmy parcelled pard paritor parle parlous parted partizan pash pash pass passant passing passion passionate passy-measure pastry patch patched patchery path pathetical patient patine pattern pauca verba paucas pavin pax pay peat pedascule peer peize pelting perdu perdurable perdy perfect perfect periapts perjure persever perspective pew-fellow pheeze pia-mater pick picked pickers picking pickt-hatch pied pieled plight pilcher pill pin pinfold pioned placket plain song plaited planched plantation plausive pleached point point-de-vice poise polled pomander pomewater poor-john popinjay port port portable portance possess potch potent pouncet-box power practise practisant prank precept preciously pregnancy pregnant prenominate pre-ordinance presence prest pretence pretend prevent prick prick prick-song pricket pride prig prime primer primero principality princox priser procure preface profane progress project prompture prone proof propagate propagation proper-false propertied properties property propose propose prorogue provand provision pucelle pudency pugging pun purchase purchase put putter-on putter-out putting-on puttock quail quaint quake qualify quality quarrel quarry quart d'ecu quarter quat queasy quell quench quern quest questrist quick quicken quiddit quiddity quillet quintain quip quire quit quit quitance quiver quote rabato rabbit-sucker race rack rack rag rake rapt rapture rascal rash rate rate ratolorum raught ravin ravin rawly rawness rayed razed rear-mouse rebate rebeck receipt receiving recheat record recorder recure red-lattice red-plague reduce reechy refell refer regiment regreet regreet reguerdon relative remember remorse remorseful remotion removed render render renege repair repeal reproof repugn requiem resolve respect respective respective respectively retailed retire retire reverb revolt rib rid rift rift riggish rigol ripe rivage rival rivality rive road roisting romage ronvon rood rook ropery rope-tricks round round round roundel roundure rouse roynish rubious ruddock rush rushling sacrificial sacring-bell sad sadly sadness safe sag salt salt sanded sans saucy saw say say scaffoldage scald scale scall scamble scamel scan scant scant scantling scape scape scathe scathe scathful sconce scotch scrimer scroyle scull scurvy seal seam seamy sear sear search seated sect securely seel seeling seeming seeming seen seld self-bounty semblably seniory sennet sepulchre sequestration sere serjeant serpigo serviceable setebos setter several shame shame shards shards sharked sheen sheer shent sheriff's-post shive shot shoughs shouldered shovel-board shrewd shrift shrive shriving-time shroud side-sleeves siege sight sightless sign silly simular single sir sith sithence sizes skains-mates skill skilless skimble-skamble skinker skirr slack slave sleave sledded sleided sleights slipper slips sliver sliver slops slubber smirched smooth smoothed sneap sneaped sneck-up snuff softly soil solicit solidare solve sometimes sooth sooth sorel sorriest sorry sort sort sot soul-fearing sowl sowter specially sped speed sperr spial spill spilth spleen sprag spring springhalt sprited spurs squandered square square square squarer squash squier squiny staggers stain stale stale stand upon staniel stark starkly state station statist statua statue statute statute-caps stay stead steeled sternage stickler stigmatic stigmatical still still stilly stint stithy stithy stoccado stock stomach stone-bow stoup stout stover strachy straight strain straited strange strangeness stranger strappado stricture strossers stuck stuck in stuff stuffed sty subscribe success successive successively sudden suddenly sufferance suggest suggestion suited sullen sumpter suppose supposed surcease surcease surprise sur-reined suspect suspire swabber swarth swarth swasher swashing swath swathling sway swear swear over swift swinge-buckler table table-book tables tabour tabourer tabourine tag taint tainture take take in take out take up taking taking up tale tall tallow-catch tang tang tanling tarre tarriance tartar task tasking taste tawdry-lace taxation taxing teen tell temper temperance tempered tend tender tent tent tercel termagant tested testern tharborough theorick thewes thick thick-pleached third-borough thought thrasonical three-man beetle three-man-song-men three-pile threne thrid throe thrum thrummed tickle tight tightly tike tilly-vally tilth timeless tinct tire tire tire tang tod tokened tokens toll too too topless touch touched touse toward towards toys trade tranect translated trash travail tray-trip treachers treaties trenched trick trick tricked tricking tricksy triple trojan trol-my-dames troth-plight trow true trundle-tail tucket-sonance tundish turlygood turn twangling twiggen twilled twink twire umbered unaneled unavoided unbarbed unbated unbolt unbolted unbreathed uncape uncharged unclew uncoined undergo undertaker under-wrought uneath unexpressive unfair unhappily unhappy unhatched unhouseled unimproved union unjust unkind unlived unmanned unowed unpregnant unproper unquestionable unready unrespective unsisting unstanched untempering untented untraded untrimmed untrue unvalued upspring reel urchin usance use utis utter utterance vade vail vailing vainness valanced validity vantage vantbrace varlet vast vastidity vastly vasty vaunt vaunt-couriers vaward vegetives velure velvet-guards venew veney venge ventages verbal very via vice vice vie viewless villain vinewed viol-de-gamboys virginalling virtue virtuous vizament voluble voluntary votarist vulgar vulgar vulgarly waft waftage wafture wage wailful waist wannion wappened ward warden warder warn wassail wat watch watch water-gall water-rug water-work wax waxen wealth wear weather-fend web and pin wee wee weed weet weigh out welkin welkin well-liking well said wend wesand whelk whelked when when as where where whiffler while-ere whiles whip-stock whist white whitely whiting-time whitster whittle whoo-bub whoop wicked widow widowhood wight wild wilderness wimpled window-bars windring winter-ground wis wish wistly wit without wits wittol witty woman-tired wondered wood woodcock woodman woolward word world worm worser worship worth worts wot wound wreak wreak wreakful wrest writ writhled wroth wrung wry xanthippe yare yarely yaw y-clad y-cleped yearn yellowness yellows yeoman yield yond younker zany